Joana Couto da Silva
Design Researcher working in the Human-Centered Design group
Joana Couto da Silva is a Design Researcher working in the Human-Centered Design group at Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, with a BA in Communication Design (Higher School of Arts and Design, ESAD Matosinhos) and a specialisation course in Interaction, Web and Game Design (Faculty of Fine Artes, University of Porto). Previously she worked as a research fellow at INEGI (Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) and FEUP (Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto), seeking to design a series of eHealth short games for rehabilitation recovery. Currently, she is captivated by design and research, especially for healthcare settings and by ludic and playful experiences as instruments to support participatory design methods with vulnerable groups.
About talk:
Information about the Design talk will be published soon