Home → Judges → Branko Popovic – FASHIONCLASH

Best in Design judge 2023

Branko Popovic – FASHIONCLASH

Category Fashion Design

Branko Popovic is a multidisciplinary artistic director, curator and developer of projects within the field of (fashion) design and performing arts. As co-founder/director of FASHIONCLASH foundation, an interdisciplinary showcase and development platform for fashion and fashion culture, he has developed more than 200 projects and events from various countries in Europe to China and South Africa. One of the most known projects is the annual FASHIONCLASH Festival. In addition, Branko is a founding initiator of Taskforce Fashion coalition and Culture.Fashion, the value driven fashion and textile network in the Netherlands. In addition, he is a member of the advisory committee at Creative Industries Fund NL, current member of the jury of the Dutch Design Awards and member of the advisory committee for the Council for Culture for the Dutch Ministry of Culture, Education and Science.

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