Take a look at the lives of successful Best in Design winners thanks to the Instagram Takeover!

10. 2. 2021 | Martina Jelínková

Although nowadays there is not much personal real-life contact, we want to stay in the closest possible connection with you, at least at a distance. The registration for the international competition Best in Design 2021 ends in three weeks and we have decided to inspire you with an insight into the lives of successful participants of Best in Design from the first years.

And when we do something, we want to do it the best way possible! That is why we will let the former Best in Design contestants take care of our Instagram for 24 hours. Each of the addressed designers will stream bits from their daily lives throughout the day and at the same time present their work.

We are curious, for example, about what they are most proud of and what cooperation was the greatest benefit for them. And on the contrary, what they wouldn’t do again? What would they like to accomplish in life? What is the most valuable piece of design they own? How do they work during the pandemic? Where do they get their inspiration from and where do they go to relax? What memories do they have about their participation in Best in Design?

But don’t worry, there will be room for your questions as well!

You will get to know all this and much more from 13 February to 24 February 2021 at the Zlin Design Week Instagram. And who can you look forward to in our Instagram challenge?


February 13, 2021

Another designer who will take over the Instagram profile of Zlin Design Week for 24 hours and give you an insight into his life and work is Lukáš Krnáč. Lukáš’s name is certainly well known to design fans. This young fashion designer attracted attention, for example, at the Mercedes Benz Prague Fashion Week. But before that, in 2017, he impressed the Best in Design jury with his Sunday fashion collection and won not only the Fashion Design category but also the main award. You have been able to read about Lukáš’s work several times already in the magazines Elle or Harper’s Bazaar.

Lukáš’s collection Sunday, with which he attracted attention in 2017 in the Best in Design competition.

Lukáš studied Animation and Clothing Design at TBU in Zlín, in his work he likes exaggeration, colorful colors, light audacity and, last but not least, a certain amount of humor. In recent months, he has collaborated, for example, with the Slovak tennis brand Tikoki.


February 20, 2021

Graphic artist and designer of one of the most successful Czech graphic studios, Najbrt. Jakub achieved great success with a visual for the 54th KVIFF 2019 and is also behind the visual of this year’s Karlovy Vary festival “replacement” Tady Vary, which took place in individual cinemas throughout the country due to a coronavirus pandemic.

In Best in Design, Jakub won first place in the Communication Design category in 2018 – for his work entitled Virus, a sci-fi gamebook inspired by simulation theories, a story in which the reader himself takes part.

Jakub Spurný and his winning Virus (Best in Design 2018)


February 24, 2021

Sarah also succeeded in Best in Design as a student at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. In Best in Design 2019, she succeeded with the swimwear collection called Hydrocollection. In the competition, she took 2nd place in the Fashion Design category and it took less than a few months for Sára to shine abroad as well.

Swimsuit collection Hydrocollection, which won 2nd place in the Fashion Design category.

In addition to Best in Design, Sara impressed judges at the Dutch Design Week in the Netherlands, the largest event of its kind in the northern part of Europe. She presented vases made of waste material from a glass company.

At that time, 2,600 artists exhibited in Eindhoven, where the festival takes place, and Sarah was able to excel with her products even in such a huge competition. Her work was ranked among the top 30 projects by the Sight Unseen design list.

However, Sarah is a multi-talent, she doesn’t only work on clothing design. Together with her boyfriend Ihor Sabadesh, she founded the IHOR brand and together they focus on product design. Therefore today, she works more on industrial design. In 2020, she and Ihor even won an award from the Prague Designblok in the category of the Best Collection of Home Accessories.

An example of Ihor’s work – a design vase / source: http://www.ihor.cz/vase-douze/

In addition to the insight into their creative and private lives, these three designers will share their experiences of participating in Best in Design with you, so if you are still deciding whether to apply with your work, their experience may convince you.

Follow our profiles on Facebook and especially on Instagram, where it will all begin on February 13th!

And watch out, the registration for Best in Design 2021 ends on February 28, 2021.