Studio Vrtiška & Žák
Product DesignersRoman Vrštička and Vladimír Žák focus mainly on architecture, interior and product design projects. They met while studying at VŠUP where they started their cooperation. After graduating, they became part of the emerging fresh generation of Czech designers characterized by a wide range of interests and professional approach to work. Since then, they have been ones of the sought-after artists, whose clients include brands like Adidas, mmcité, Rim or Heineken.
About talk:
5th May 2020
Zlín Congress Center
Language: czech
They wrote about speaker
Designérská dvojice Roman Vrtiška a Vladimír Žák navrhli pro slovenskou značku Javorina, která má již více jak 70letou tradici, hned dvě kolekce produktů. První jsou odkládací stolky nazvané Hriby a druhou nástěnné hodiny Luna. Všechny jsou vyrobeny z masivního dřeva v jednoduchém nadčasovém designu.
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