Marek Weidlich
Automotive & Industrial DesignerMarek Weidlich is dedicated to automotive and industrial design. As a designer of vehicle exterior he worked for Škoda Auto a.s. or Biomega. His experience in industrial design has been appreciated, for example, by well-known firms such as Studio F.A. Porsche and Pininfarina. He is interested in sketching, 3D modeling, clay modeling and topics such as artificial intelligence or marine design. Marek sees his greatest passion in design linked to life curiosity, which forces him to constantly move forward.
About talk:
5th May 2020
Zlín Congress Center
Language: czech
They wrote about speaker
Od táty si v létě půjčil obouchanou bílou dodávku a vyrazil. Marek Weidlich tehdy pospíchal na pohovor do rakouského studia F. A. Porsche a protože u centrály v Zell am See nikde jinde nebylo místo, zaparkoval vedle rudé „911R“.
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