Studio Najbrt
Graphic studioStudio Najbrt is one of the leading Czech graphic studios based in Prague. Since 1994 he has been creating books, posters, identities, exhibitions, websites and applications for not only Czech clients. He has a long-term collaboration with the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, two Ambiente, photographer Josef Koudelka, and the cities of Prague and Ostrava. This studio is characterized by a professional and proud approach, thanks to which you have won the full award and attention of a professional publication from around the world.
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CzechDesign :
Najbrti na tričku. Grafické studio Aleše Najbrta se ohlíží za svojí dosavadní tvorbou netradiční výstavou
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Jan Stanko
Member of the Board of Directors of Výstaviště Praha
Dana Prekopová
Owner of IOKO optics
Maksimilian Kallhed
Creative entrepreneur
Vasjen Katro
Graphic a UI/UX Designer
Joana Lacerda
Portuguese businesswoman and startup coach
Ctirad Sára
Entrepreneur - BeWooden
David Parrish
British expert in the creative industries
Jan Klusoň
An expert in corporate culture
Radim Tuček
Czechdesign - brand consultant
Marek Weidlich
Automotive & Industrial Designer
Sandra Kumorowski
Marketing Strategist
Marvan Shamma
Innovative Tech Leader
Jakub Ptačin
Designer & Marketer