Sandra Kumorowski
Marketing Strategist
Sandra Kumorowski is a consultant in business strategy, development and training. She applied her experience in strategic marketing on projects for Apple, Microsoft, PepsiCo and Nintendo. For the past 10 years, Sandra has served as a marketing chair of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation in Chicago where she organized exclusive events with celebrities such as Chelsea Handler, Caroline Rhea and Susie Essman. She is also a marketing professor at Columbia College Chicago with research focus on arts marketing.
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Sandra Kumorowski sdílela s Lupou svoje názory na nejnovější trendy v oblasti mobilních technologií. Co si myslí o mobilním bankovnictví a LBS? Kde vidí trendy internetu a moderních technologií?
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CBS Chicago:
Physicist Albert Einstein had strong opinions on teachers: “Most teachers waste their time by asking questions that are intended to discover what a pupil does not know, whereas the true art of questioning is to discover what the pupil does know or is capable of knowing.”
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