Design Talent 2009

75 000 Kč

we gave away

76 works

was sent

145 visitors

attended the gala

Main price

Lenka Svatošová

The main winner of Design Talent 2009 became a student from Vysoke Myto, Lenka Svatosova, for her work “Suitcase with a hand luggage”. The international expert jury awarded her with a title “Design Talent 2009”. A cash prize in the amount of 50 000 CZK was given to her with the title.

Special price

Michal Vlček

Student Car

Zbyněk Soukup

Instairs office

Adam Veselý

Dioptrické brýle

Jiří Krejčí

Junák – Minimální bydlení

Michaela Tomišková

Odstrkovadlo pro děti