Best in Design judge 2025

Václav Bedřich
Bonus category media award
Václav Bedřich is the co-founder of CzechCrunch, a media server that reaches more than 1.3 million people in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and focuses on business, technology, startups and lifestyle topics. Outside of the media business, he studied graphic design and has worked for many years with leading Czech and American startups on digital products.
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Katarína Mydliarová
Category Fashion Design
Lukáš Novák
Category Product & Industrial Design
Michael Dolejš
Category: Communication Design
Dorothea Wagnerberger
Category Service Design
Roman Sellner Novotný
Cateory Service Design
Barbora Kramná
Category Communication Design
Dan Zucco
Category Communication Design
Rafał Zakrzewski
Category Fashion Design
Marek Kuźmiński
Category Product & Industrial Design
Janka Csernák
Category Service Design
Veronika Pařízková
Bonus category media award
Büro Famos
Category Product & Industrial Design
Branko Popovic
Category Fashion Design