Řečníci konference 2019

Petr Rubáček

Creative & Strategy Lead | REMEMBERSHIP_

Former kayaker, today chief of design-thinking studio. He started his graphic design studies in Pilsen, where he studied for 6 years. He soon stopped collecting credits and founded the Mladý ateliér (Yound Studio), a place to connect young graphic designers with experienced and enthusiastic professionals. Then he started his REMEMBERSHIP_ studio with his friend Martin Kozák and later Matěj Peca, where today, as designers, they are building better brands, products and customer experiences.

About the talk:

Let’s be more #friendsnotclients

Both small and big can have a comparable impact if relationships are more important to them than numbers. The studio has grown into a purely #friendsnotclients approach. For the first time in Zlín he will present a manifesto that summarizes 6 years of building REMEMBERSHIP_ and shows what values ​​and principles are most helpful in building design studios and relationships to which they can justly be proud. He believes that #friendsnotclients is a long-term and sustainable way to grow together while not losing yourself.


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